Mystery Solved!
So everyone’s all a-twitter about this naughty film of Marilyn Monroe’s (and let’s hope that this doesn’t serve as another inspiration for Lindsay Lohan) and the identity of the man involved
The silent black-and-white flick shows Monroe on her knees in front of a man whose face is just out of the shot.
…There are heavily redacted, declassified FBI documents talking about a “French-type” film.
It was Marcel Marceau!
Too bad it won’t get released.
Years ago, a rumor went around that Babsy Strident once made a hardcore film.
Though why anyone would ever have filmed something like that is beyond me.
Jimminy Christmas on a pogostick, Ken! It’s nearly dinnertime here! blech……….
“Though why anyone would ever have filmed something like that is beyond me.”
Perhaps the cameraman thought he was getting footage of the mating ritual of the elusive whale-headed stork?
It was Marcel Marceau!
Ted Kennedy?
It couldn’t have been Marcel Marceau, Bingley. Everyone knows a mime is a terrible thing to taste.