No, I’m Not Going To The World Cup
A lot of very clear points, very well expressed.
A lot of the same questions she raises apply here as well: how many municipalities have got huge debt problems because of stadiums?
A lot of very clear points, very well expressed.
A lot of the same questions she raises apply here as well: how many municipalities have got huge debt problems because of stadiums?
Life, Makes Ya Barf, Media, Morality, Nanny State, People, Politics | Mr. Bingley | June 24, 2013 1:55 pm
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Same applies to the Olympics. 🙁
I fell into those eyes and I have no idea what she said.
I saw Skyler’s distraction…… 🙂
But the lady makes a good point. Plenty of money for fun, even if the utilities don’t work, and the people are hungry.