O Holy Night

Minuit, Chrétiens, C’est L’heure Solennelle
Où l’Homme Dieu descendit jusqu’à nous
Pour effacer la tache originelle
Et de Son Père arrêter le courroux.
Le monde entier tressaille d’espérance
En cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur.

Peuple à genoux, attends ta délivrance.
Noël, Noël, voici le Rédempteur,
Noël, Noël, voici le Rédempteur!

May the blessings and love of our Lord fill you and yours with hope this Christmas time.

Peace, true Peace from our home to yours, Dear Friends.

As we ponder that day 100 hundred years ago when the troops facing each other across the scarred and pitted betrenched fields that were absorbing so much blood and decided, against the specific orders of their leaders, to lay down their arms and celebrate the wonder and unknowable mystery of the christian bond which united them at their core, so too let us find the will and strength to put aside the cares and concerns which so constantly assail us, knowing all too well that we, like those brave poor souls shivering in the fields of France, will succumb to the siren call of our strife after too brief an interlude; that does not diminish the achievement but rather shows us what we are truly capable of.

8 Responses to “O Holy Night”

  1. tree hugging sister says:


  2. Dr Alice says:

    Thank you, Bingley and THS, and a merry Christmas to you.

  3. Julie says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Bingley, THS and the gang.

  4. JeffS says:

    Merry Christmas to all of the Swillers and your families!

  5. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Thank you, Mr. Bingley. That’s one of those tales that restore my faith in humanity. Merry Christmas to all. And a Happy Hannukah too.

  6. aelfheld says:

    Happy Christmas to all.

  7. Mr. Bingley says:

    And a very merry to all of you, and thanks for all your support!

  8. nightfly says:

    A Happy Christmas season to one and all.

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