Peggy Noonan takes W..
to task, rightfully so. So much for conservatism……
I for one feel we need to go back to conservatism 101. We can start with a quote from Gerald Ford, if he isn’t too much of a crabbed and reactionary old Republican to quote. He said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.”
Hell yeah.
It’s disgusting how expansive this government is. It really is.
And expensive.
Ooh. That’s good. You sure it was Ford?
Oh, God, I LOVE this quote:
Bhuuwahahahaha! And ‘yup’.
Sorry, I just had a “W.I.N.” button flashback.
I’ll get better.
Three cheers for President Ford. A much picked on and very underrated president.