Spam Of The Day
This is a great weblog. I average it. You’ve got a great bargain understanding of this matter, and so much interest you have got a layout here that is not too flashy, but designs a statement as big as what youre expressing. Better job!.
“You’ve got a great bargain understanding of this matter”
Damn, they’ve got me pegged.
you have got a layout here that is not too flashy, but designs a statement as big as what youre expressing. Better job!.
Finally. Someone recognizes the true genius of feeding raw chicken to his dog.
My condolences, Bings, on hearing that your great weblog has been averaged.
That spam becomes even funnier when you imagine it being read in “Peggy`s” voice. (from the commercials)
The frightening thing was that it sort of made sense to me. I think that’s what drinking thick, fruity, 16% content wine does to a fella.