…like no one should ever have.
Joe, 93, and Angelina, 86, still remember three of their son’s first words:
“Air raid, Mommy!”
…like no one should ever have.
Joe, 93, and Angelina, 86, still remember three of their son’s first words:
“Air raid, Mommy!”
Life | Mr. Bingley | December 7, 2005 11:58 am
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God bless them, every one.
Just had this debate a couple of hours ago with the Mighty Temps; they were talking about a planned student protest at Brower Commons at Rutgers (and you can well imagine what that’s all about). I replied that it’s easy for kids to douse themselves in a bit of red paint and lie about in the cold for an hour to simulate dead American soldiers – and then get up and go into Brower for a hot cup of joe and some food. Who was going to freeze in the cold for Saddam’s victims?
This led to the suggestion that we don’t have the same connection to the war as the vets of WW2, because it hasn’t resulted in mass drafting and the sorts of privations they suffered. W even said that our contribution to the war (post-9/11) was to go shop, fer pete’s sake. It’s a blessing to be able to, but it doesn’t call to mind anything resembling sacrifice and determination.
I agree with the lack of connection. Your remark made me think and I would put out this hypothesis: That even though we have “better” forms of communication today, people in the WWII era had a better idea of what war was because of personal sacrifice and the draft. Today, even though every news channel and website throws the images at you, it’s like a lot of the folks out there are blind to the reality of it.
These college kids could care less about soldiers lives. They have no empathy. They have no connection. All they have is a “shocking” scene they hope will advance their political/activist agenda.
Except for that one chubby guy in the back. He’s just there to hit on that girl from his American Lit. class.
A salute to that couple, and their fellow survivors.
Cullen, I’m reminded of that line from “Roughing It” where Twain sees the Rockies for the first time. Now he’s read about snow in summer, but he never really believed it or had a connection to it until he saw it. It’s the same with communicaiton today. More people are reading about stuff they’ve never experienced, and it means no more to them than a movie or a video game does.
I’ve got one up on my parents in this regard: when I lived in the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, I had a ration card for staples. My grandparents and I know what it’s like to get food rationed to you, but my parents and my kids have no idea.