Sunday Snippets
John Saunders gave a moving, emotional tribute to the Army-Navy game, and why he watches every year, on the Sports Reporters. Wow.
For Environmental Balance, Pick Up a Rifle
UPDATE: On the Wikipedia story, a ‘whoops’.
Here’s a quick quiz: Which large American mammal kills the most humans each year?
It’s not the bear, which kills about two people a year in North America. Nor is it the wolf, which in modern times hasn’t killed anyone in this country. It’s not the cougar, which kills one person every year or two.
Rather, it’s the deer. Unchecked by predators, deer populations are exploding in a way that is profoundly unnatural and that is destroying the ecosystem in many parts of the country. In a wilderness, there might be 10 deer per square mile; in parts of New Jersey, there are up to 200 per square mile.
Opinion in the New York Times.
As well as an interesting account of a Wikipedia entry surprising the person it was about.
Snared in the Web of a Wikipedia Liar
ACCORDING to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, John Seigenthaler Sr. is 78 years old and the former editor of The Tennessean in Nashville. But is that information, or anything else in Mr. Seigenthaler’s biography, true?
The question arises because Mr. Seigenthaler recently read about himself on Wikipedia and was shocked to learn that he “was thought to have been directly involved in the Kennedy assassinations of both John and his brother Bobby.”
“Nothing was ever proven,” the biography added.
Mr. Seigenthaler discovered that the false information had been on the site for several months and that an unknown number of people had read it, and possibly posted it on or linked it to other sites.
And an awakening of sorts. (To which we reply “duh”.)
IN December 1997, representatives of most of the world’s nations met in Kyoto, Japan, to negotiate a binding agreement to cut emissions of “greenhouse” gases.
They succeeded. The Kyoto Protocol was ultimately ratified by 156 countries. It was the first agreement of its kind. But it may also prove to be the last.
Today, in the middle of new global warming talks in Montreal, there is a sense that the whole idea of global agreements to cut greenhouse gases won’t work.
A major reason the optimism over Kyoto has eroded so rapidly is that its major requirement – that 38 participating industrialized countries cut their greenhouse emissions below 1990 levels by the year 2012 – was seen as just a first step toward increasingly aggressive cuts.
But in the years after the protocol was announced, developing countries, including the fast-growing giants China and India, have held firm on their insistence that they would accept no emissions cuts, even though they are likely to be the world’s dominant source of greenhouse gases in coming years.
Their refusal helped fuel strong opposition to the treaty in the United States Senate and its eventual rejection by President Bush.
But the current stalemate is not just because of the inadequacies of the protocol. It is also a response to the world’s ballooning energy appetite, which, largely because of economic growth in China, has exceeded almost everyone’s expectations. And there are still no viable alternatives to fossil fuels, the main source of greenhouse gases.
Then, too, there is a growing recognition of the economic costs incurred by signing on to the Kyoto Protocol.
As Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain, a proponent of emissions targets, said in a statement on Nov. 1: “The blunt truth about the politics of climate change is that no country will want to sacrifice its economy in order to meet this challenge.”
Their refusal helped fuel strong opposition to the treaty in the United States Senate and its eventual rejection by President Bush.
I love how Pravda fails to mention that the Senate rejected it while Clinto was President.
Details, details…
Marines were watching the Army-Navy game? Will wonders never cease!
Oh, we’re chock full of more ring-knockers than you could count, JeffS. Appalling. {8^P
Actually, one of my favorite Marine Corps memories has to do with working during the Army-Navy game. We had a duty section launch crew come in and I was the maintenance controller for the flight. Got the bird all ready to go, crew climbed in, and nothing to do until it launched, so we were watching the game. Then a call came in on the radios that they needed me out on the line ~ there had already been about 45 minutes worth of delays and the crew was just sitting in the plane ~ so out I went. I climbed up the boarding ladder and asked the pilot, “What’s up, sir?” I hear, “The score! What’s the score?!” In the next half hour of waiting, I’d run out with a score update on cardboard and flash it at the cockpit. Much back and forth between pilot and B/N would ensue, to the complete merriment of the troubleshooters on scene. The B/N was a Naval Academy grad but the pilot had graduated from West Point! He’s the only one I’ve ever known in all my years and probably one of the last through the loophole. (It allowed West Point cadets to choose the Naval services if they had a retired family member from such.) Dynamite individual.
I’ve always smiled when I remember. Which is every year. (I smile a lot.)
I don’t know what to think. Everyone has an agenda.