Take Your Stinking Hands Off Of Me You Damn Dirty Ape!
Charlton Heston
If you have an hour, scroll down and look at this phenomenal career. My god. Or, as he would say…
His cameo in Wayne’s World 2 still makes me cry with laughter even just thinking about it.
I think your second link is not correct.
Whoops. Fixed. Thanks Skyler.
RIP Charlton Heston.
Ye shall be greatly missed.
RIP big guy.
He made some really good movies.An obscure movie
he made towards the end of his career is ‘Will Penny.’If you are at all into Westerns,watch it.
It’s very moving.
In the nutroots, how sad that you could never tell the difference in rhetoric between discussing a Heston or a Pol Pot, a Shirley Phelps or a Hillary Clinton. The same overheated, overboard, hateful shit gets spread over everyone.
The comments at the BBC are also full of that bile.
What amazes me is here is a man who was actually marching in civil rights protests long before it became ‘fashionable;’ he was picketing a ‘whites only’ restaurant in Oklahoma City in 1961, for god’s sake. And his support of the second amendment flows naturally from this, as the surest way to protect someone from tyranny is to arm them.
RIP, Mr. Heston.
Greg, I thought “Will Penny” is an EXCELLENT movie. Y’all do watch it.
And I loved his cameo in “True Lies”. Heh!
Oh, youse nutroots spreading that bile about him? Eat me.
Oddly enough, the comments at DU are a lot more respectful than I anticipated. Assholic, certainly; that’s a given over there. But I was expecting a lot worse.