Thar Be Snow!
It’s 36°, windy as all get out, pouring in sheets and there’s snow mixed in with the rain on October 29th in New Jersey.
Somewhere Al Gore is shedding a tear.
It’s 36°, windy as all get out, pouring in sheets and there’s snow mixed in with the rain on October 29th in New Jersey.
Somewhere Al Gore is shedding a tear.
Fun | Mr. Bingley |
October 29, 2011 11:26 am
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Oh, no need to thank me. Just a little something I brought back from Denver for you.
As long as Zuccotti Park gets 99% of it.
You’re the best, Suzette!
Would that be the Zuccotti Park that is just down the road from Valley Forge?
Where are the sheets? Who stole the sheets? Ya got a Klan meeting in the neighborhood or something?
I eagerly await the pictures from Zuccotti Park in January 2012.
West Milford got 19″.
Crazy. 🙂
“This is snow, it’s not going to kill us. What they’re doing to us will kill us. What they’re doing to our world.”.
The moron has never heard of hypothermia. Well, he will. He will.
Might I indulge in a wee bit o’ schadenfreude? I can? Thank you.
Here y’go, #OccupyWallStreetMorons!
And another moment of pure, unadulterated gloating:
“Help Us, Al Gore! You’re Our Only Hope!“
On the flip side……I see in the news that there’s a lot of power outages in the northeast. Which means that a lot of people are hurting now. So any gloating is focused solely on the Valley Forge wannabes.
I hope you stocked up on thermal underwear and anti-freeze, Mr. B! Sounds like you’ll need them.