The Calm Before The Storm


May all our Dear Swillers have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving, secure in the many blessings that those who have gone before have secured for us.

May we be ever mindful of and thankful for their sacrifices and of those who daily risk all they have to keep us safe.

6 Responses to “The Calm Before The Storm”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, and please ask the THS what she’d like to have in her ad.

  2. Ebola says:

    Happy semi-flightless avian consumption day!

  3. Gunslinger says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all and may your Thanksgiving turn out better this one did.

  4. gregor says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to The House Of Bingley, from all the inmates and things that go bump in the night at Stately Sad Old Goth Manor!

  5. JeffS says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

  6. Kate P says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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