The Cult Of Personality
Great Leader has to show up everywhere.
These narcissists make me sick, they really do.
Great Leader has to show up everywhere.
These narcissists make me sick, they really do.
Makes Ya Barf, Media, Nanny State, People, Politics | Mr. Bingley | February 25, 2013 6:39 am
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“Sort of hallucinating” is the default “reality” for these people anyway. How could they sense a change?
More taxpayer money down the drain. But we don’t have a spending problem so I guess it’s okay. We’ll just add another 1% on the 1%.
I love this comment from the article.
“LeBron James has to stop wearing sleeveless gowns.”
One wonders how popular Marie Antoinette was, back when.
I didn’t even recognize her. (I had the sound off.) I was wondering “Who is that actress with the military personnel standing with frozen smiles in the background?”
Hmmmmm ……… the Law of Unintended Consequences may have had some unintended consequences.