The Daily Howler Via The Governor Blameco School of Tap-Dance
New Orleans finest never, ever cease to astonish and amaze. Now they’ve turned Pet Psychic and are channeling…wait…wait…it’s getting clearer…Bill Clinton!
[cue: unearthly voice with southern twange]”Depends what your definition of looting is.”
New Orleans police launch investigation into reports officers looted
…Police spokesman Marlon Defillo said police are looking into the possibility that up to 12 officers were involved in misconduct.
The Police Department has 1,750 officers.
He rejected the use of the term “looting” but said authorities were investigating “the possibility of appropriation of non-essential items during the height of Katrina, from businesses.”
A Swill Salute to Michelle Malkin, while Blackfive has thoughtfully linked to the instructional video.