The Electricution Of Mary Poppins

We’ve been out of town for a few days at a family get together. We got home at, oh, 9:30 Sunday night and were greeted by this

That’s an 8′ patio umbrella. Or was, I should say. It seems that on Friday night there was a rather violent thunderstorm that lifted the umbrella up, ripping it out of its heavy stand in the table on the deck in back of the house, carried it completely over the house and deposited it in the power lines in front.

Needless to say I didn’t even attempt to get that sucker down; the good folks at JCP&L came by early yesterday and took care of it.
I got to cut up the tree that came down in the back yard.

21 Responses to “The Electricution Of Mary Poppins”

  1. Rob says:

    Love the second shot.

  2. JeffS says:

    At least you got some firewood out of this!

  3. Gary from Jersey says:

    Pretty fine storm that was. There was a down draft so strong it put a giant dimple in the lake and caused a major duck panic. Good show for a beer-and-pizza night, but it’s too bad the neighbor’s house is still standing. Maybe next time.

  4. Gary from Jersey says:

    Pretty fine storm that was. There was a down draft so strong it put a giant dimple in the lake and caused a major duck panic. Good show for a beer-and-pizza night, but it’s too bad the neighbor’s house is still standing. Maybe next time.

  5. Gary from Jersey says:

    Don’t ask me why it showed up twice.

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    Gary, either my cranky old version of MovableType is getting real cranky or my hosting service is having issues. I may have to upgrade all of the blog software; it’s just getting too slow.

  7. Gary from Jersey says:

    Oh, I don’t know. I was amusing myself and my hand must have slipped.

  8. JeffS says:

    Gary, that “downdraft” sounds more like a microburst, which means y’all had some rough weather indeed.
    At least Mr. Bingley has an excuse that isn’t all that miserable.

  9. Gary from Jersey says:

    Microbust sounds like something Billy Mays would sell, lie Oxyclean. Oh, wait…
    By the way, Wall Street’s coming up with some pretty good Michael Jackson jokes, such as:
    Q:What killed Michael Jackson?
    A: He choked on an eight-year-old weiner.

  10. Rob says:

    I can top that one, Gary. A two-for-one Michael Jackson and David Caruso special:

  11. Cullen says:

    Bing, it wasn’t the maple that came down, was it?

  12. Cullen says:

    Bing, it wasn’t the maple that came down, was it?

  13. Mr. Bingley says:

    No, no guitar for you yet, Cullen! It was a small tree in the back.

  14. Teresa says:

    Glad you left the umbrella for the power company and lived to blog another day. LOL. Power line stuff always scares me.

  15. Ebola says:

    In memory of Michael Jackson, Macy’s is having a children’s pants half off sale
    As Micheal Jackson was 75% plastic, his body is going to be melted down and turned into legos so little kids can play with him for once
    There were a few others but I can’t remember em.

  16. Gary from Jersey says:

    Hey Ebola,
    I heard these this afternoon:
    Why did Michael Jackson give $1 million to the group Boyz To Men?
    He thought they were a delivery service.
    MJ is being buried face down so the kids recognize him.
    What do MJ and acne have in common?
    They both come on your face at age 13.
    MJ died of food poisoning. He ate a rancid seven-year-old weiner.

  17. Julie says:

    I heard that when Farrah got to heaven, God granted her one wish.
    “Well, I’d like the children of the world to be safe,” she replied.
    and POOF!
    MJ died.
    (ok, spank me for that one.)

  18. Ebola says:

    rofl awesome. Had heard the others but not the acne, roflmao

  19. nightfly says:

    Hey, they can remake the Thriller video with a real zombie MJ.

  20. You mean he wasn’t one already, Diptera?
    Color me shocked.

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