The NewsHour Gets a Gun Violence

reality check last night before, of course, bringing in Mark Kelly.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And yet we saw — and in fact what we saw in the last week, killings that didn’t get the kind of publicity that the shootings in Chattanooga, this one in Louisiana, there were family — families involved.

MEGHAN HOYER: Exactly. Yes.

There were five mass killings this week. That doesn’t include the shooting in the theater last night. Again, the majority of those were family killings, a family found dead in Modesto, a woman and her children, a family in Oklahoma where two teenagers have been arrested and the rest of their family has — was stabbed.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And, again, these are the kinds of things that often don’t get the kind of attention.

MEGHAN HOYER: Right, they might get the regional attention, but they don’t get the national buzz.

JUDY WOODRUFF: What about the guns that are used? What did you learn about whether they are gotten legally or not?

MEGHAN HOYER: Well, in terms of mass killings, about three-quarters of them are committed with guns. That means the other quarter of them are not gun-related at all.

Of the gun killings, what we have seen are that most guns are handguns. They are not these high-capacity assault rifles or high-capacity assault weapons that we hear so much about. We looked a little bit at legal vs. non-legal acquisition. In a majority of cases, they’re acquired legally.

And even in cases where they’re not, what experts say is that these are people who tend to be very determined. And where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Even if they have been banned from getting guns, if they have a prior record, generally, they find a way to find a weapon.

3 Responses to “The NewsHour Gets a Gun Violence”

  1. Kathy Kinsley says:

    “Even if they have been banned from getting guns, if they have a prior record, generally, they find a way to find a weapon.”

    What happened? Did she get mugged by reality or something?

  2. aelfheld says:

    Wait, you mean criminals don’t obey the law?

  3. Kathy Kinsley says:


    Oh, of COURSE they do. If we outlaw guns, no criminal will EVER be armed!

    /sarc off

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