The Snakes – They Occasionally Bite

their own tail.

EPA Whistleblower Who Complained About Pruitt’s Spending Inflated Military Service
Kevin Chmielewski complained about raises for Pruitt aides but did not disclose $24k in raises he received

An Environmental Protection Agency whistleblower whose complaints about travel and spending excesses by Administrator Scott Pruitt led Democrats to write a letter to President Trump citing “grave concerns” about Pruitt’s leadership appears to have inflated his service and accepted large raises during his tenure at the EPA.

Kevin Chmielewski, the whistleblower who recently spoke to House and Senate members about his concerns with Pruitt, apparently inflated his Coast Guard service on the resume he used to secure positions in the Trump administration by roughly three years, according to a comparison of his resume with a Coast Guard spokeswoman’s description of his service.

Additionally, Chmielewski benefitted from the same EPA hiring authority that he said EPA officials had used to dole out raises to two top Pruitt aides, according to knowledgeable sources and EPA documents.

Chmielewski received $24,000 in raises after just three to four months of service at the EPA, which neither he nor Democratic lawmakers have publicly disclosed even as the Democrats have cited his complaints about EPA spending on the two other staffers’ raises, according to sources and EPA documents confirming the raises.

Darndest thing lately. Whistle blowing knights in shining armor turning out to be disreputable, mendacious, self interested party operative turds themselves.

8 Responses to “The Snakes – They Occasionally Bite”

  1. aelfheld says:

    Pigs in a sty always have lots of mud to sling about.

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Heh. Karma.

  3. Syd says:

    It is indeed difficult, if not impossible, to embarrass a liberal.

  4. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @Syd – it IS possible – I’ve done it IRL – but it is damned difficult. VERY. Damned difficult.

  5. nightfly says:

    Speaking of which, y’all are hearing what’s going on with NY (ex) AG Schniederman, yes?

  6. Syd says:

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving hypocrite.

  7. tree hugging sister says:

    Isn’t he the BEST?

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