There Are Worthy Government Studies

…and then there aren’t.

You can title this one The ONGOING Study to Figure Out WHY Lesbians Are Disproportionately Fat.

I shit you not.

OR you could call it what the clever fellows who filed the research grants did:


Women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic, with nearly three-quarters of lesbians overweight or obese, compared to half of heterosexual women…

WHILE they were SWEATING losing their ‘stipend’ due to sequestration, this year’s 2014 pay-out has survived to the tune of costing you $670+K, ON TOP of the $2,202,913 in funding they’ve received since it got cranking in 2011 (2011-$778,662/2012-$741,378/2013-$682,873).

Think back to some of the illustrious moments in this administration’s reign so far. They LOCKED WWII Vets OUT of their Memorial, wouldn’t allow Boy Scouts and OLD LADIES through the White House, THREATENED military retiree pay, BARRICADED the National Parks, wanted WOUNDED VETS to get their OWN insurance, gave EVERYBODY a WHOPPIN’ heart attack of EPIC PROPORTIONS…but kept the bucks flowing to the “how on EARTH did these wymmins get so ROTUND?” research committee.

Yeah. THE ‘no stra-tee-gery’ guys.

2 Responses to “There Are Worthy Government Studies”

  1. Syd B. says:

    …and 4 out of 10 Americans would vote for Obama again if an election were held today.


  2. They really don’t need a funded study to determine why a bunch of sexually-indeterminate clowns are fat. all they have to do is tell those deluded ‘wimmin’ to take a look in the mirror.

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