This Is What Happens
…when children who got trophies JUST FOR BEING ON A TEAM grow up.
They turn into a transitioning White House staff America can be proud of.
Or they’re in the street with #StompyFeet because #Election #Sadz
…when children who got trophies JUST FOR BEING ON A TEAM grow up.
They turn into a transitioning White House staff America can be proud of.
Or they’re in the street with #StompyFeet because #Election #Sadz
Makes Ya Barf, People, Politics | tree hugging sister | November 10, 2016 7:31 pm
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I really, really hope that the Secret Service loves our President-Elect.
Because too many of those faces say HATE. (The cryer in the back just needs play-dough and teddy-bears, poor thing)
Considering that the Secret Service agents assigned to HRC hated her guts….
It is, quite frankly, an astonishing picture.
They’ll make excellent bait during the zombie apocalypse.
i hear Burger King is hiring ….