Twinkie Twinkie Star Ledger…
Isn’t that how that song goes?
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) – The owners of The Star-Ledger plan to close New Jersey’s largest newspaper by year’s end if its production unions don’t make concessions in contract negotiations, the publisher said Wednesday.
In a letter to staff, publisher Richard Vezza said the company felt “pushed into a corner” by the unions, whose contracts expire in July. Vezza said the unions have until Sept. 27 to make compromises or else the paper will shut down.
“This is not a threat. This is reality,” Vezza said in an interview with The Associated Press.
But no worries, soon-to-be-funemployed Union types! The President (and NJ Senators) YOU worked so hard to give us has declared this to be Recovery Summer VII!
And there are loads of those good, well-paying Green Jobs that they have created or saved just all around us.
And, really, you needn’t worry about those millions of new citizens that the Magic Wand in DC is creating as being competition for you for those jobs.