Well, That’s A New One
I’m sitting at the bar at Jamians in Red Bank waiting for Gregor.
And a guy buys me a shot.
Because he couldn’t buy one for the waitress.
I’m sitting at the bar at Jamians in Red Bank waiting for Gregor.
And a guy buys me a shot.
Because he couldn’t buy one for the waitress.
Fun, Life | Mr. Bingley | June 21, 2014 6:24 pm
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Is he cute?
It wasn’t Anthony Weiner, was it?
Gunslinger – I think it was a guy named Carlos….
Did he give you a phone number?
You ARE fetching in your fedora…
He might have been wearing kilts, Sis.
Well, he was actually sort a florid-faced mid-40s fellow in shorts and a t-shirt. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers!
I was meeting Gregor and we went to see Dave Bromberg at the Count Basie Theater; what a great, great show! Thanks Gregor!
It was my pleasure, I’m glad you had a good time! Bromberg was, seriously, the best I’ve ever seen him, which has been quite a few times.