What A Drag It Is Gettin’ Old
I played in the church Manna softball game last night, where everyone who plays brings canned or boxed food that the church then distributes to folks in need. This is probably only the second time in 20-odd years that I’ve played softball (with last year’s game being the first) and my ‘skills’ were…rusty, I guess is a good way to phrase it. Oh, I played fine, really; had three or so hits and pitched for three innings, only dropped one ball in the outfield, etc. Ok, well, it was also the only ball hit towards me. Anyhow, I also managed to scrape the bejeebus out of my knee when I fell. As in totally completely unassistedly tripped over my no longer-fleet-of-foot feet while running from 3rd to home in the top of the second inning. So I played the rest of the game with blood running down my knee, which made me look mighty bad-assed.
I am sore as poop today.
I need a drink.