What Da Hell Was DAT Sh*t


7 Responses to “What Da Hell Was DAT Sh*t”

  1. major dad says:

    Jeez Louise, first my pitiful Irish blow another one out their butt and now my adopted Tigers completely blow it out their butt to! What was Miles thinking? Rob you out there?

  2. Ebola says:

    Do not adopt the Gators, Pop. I enjoy actually having my team win. 😛

  3. Rob says:

    I think they were a little too surprised to be in that position. They never get the field goal team on in time and get the ball snapped. Should have just played for the touchdown instead of spiking the ball. I wonder if the spike was done by Jefferson on his own or it was called from the sidelines. I’m not nearly as mad about this as others will be. Not wild about the offensive philosophy the last few weeks. I’m sure that will draw sharp focus sometime between now and whatever bowl game they end up in is played. More than a few here are hoping Miles jumps at that soon-to-be-available Michigan job this time. All three of their losses were close and there is a ton of talent on the team although they’ll lose some of it nexrt year. They’ll be OK.

  4. tree hugging sister says:

    They need to lose Mr. Jefferson. The youngster’s not really showing anything that leaves the faithful hopeful for growth.

    YEESH. He’s bad.

  5. Rob says:

    Yeah, but his backup is worse. I think they’ll be looking at QBs next season.

  6. don says:

    I couldn’t believe it myself! I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such confusion from a top ranked football team, ever. Especially not with the brilliant coach they have. On another note, it’s refreshing to see Ole Miss actually defeat a good football team after being ranked so high in preseason, and getting their helmets handed to ’em earlier this season by other SEC powerhouse teams.

  7. Mr. Bingley says:

    Boy, you combine that game with the end of the Detroit/Cleveland game…there’s a heck of a lot of entertainment on!

    And you’re right about Ole Miss, don. They came back to earth in a hurry.

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