What’s Not to Love?

…a Friday night visit to either reveals a culture that revolves around drinking and greasy food.

And Baltimore’s still the fittest city in the country. Rock ON!

4 Responses to “What’s Not to Love?”

  1. Lisa says:

    Are those crab cakes? I’ve never had crab cakes.
    But those look as yummy as Jeff Samardjiza.

  2. They are. The upside? There’s 3 of them and only 1 of him!

  3. John says:

    The Chesapeake Bay is a great area. My grandparents lived in Bethesda, and we used to go fishing in the Bay. You could buy a bushel of live crabs for under $5, and spend all day eating them and drinking beer while hooking rockfish and blues.
    Good times.
    What non DelMarVa residents don’t realize is that crabcakes are what we do with crabs that are a little iffy. Sort of like making chicken croquettes out of leftover chicken.

  4. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Crab cakes? Don’t you mean these?

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