She was only a whiskey maker, but I love her still.
Fun | tree hugging sister | May 28, 2009 9:17 am
She has dimples on her but she is nice.
I just had a rye thought……is this how you gin up more hits for this blog?
I’m trying to raise the bar here.
Don’t forget it’s a sin tequila mockingbird.
And how does your Bride feel about that, Bingley?
She doesn’t wine about it.
This post goes severely against the grain. Change it or I call the coppers!
‘Though when she picks up the frying pan I rum for cover.
Perhaps I should call in sick and be absinthe for a while.
Ave does raise a good pint though; if I’m not careful I might barley survive the weekend.
Sounds like THS wants to get Beamed out of here, Bingley.
The farce in ths is TOO STRONG ~ Bingley can NEVER Beefeater!
Bing does work in Manhattan…
(zorg thinks major dad ROCKS!!!)
Oh, I really do lack the humor gene. That took me about four hours to finally get.
(Does best Richard Dawson voice) Cervezas…
Oh, I really do lack the humor gene. SHEESH! And Bingley even loballed it!
Hey, we love ya’ ‘cos you’re an old fashioned, Skyler!
In the spirit of things, shouldn’t we call him SKYYler?
I was thinking more “Grey Goose”…
Calling the “Ketel” black, eh Bingster?
Sure I’d rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.
She was only the Radio Operator’s daughter, But she Did it, did it did it!
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She has dimples on her but she is nice.
I just had a rye thought……is this how you gin up more hits for this blog?
I’m trying to raise the bar here.
Don’t forget it’s a sin tequila mockingbird.
And how does your Bride feel about that, Bingley?
She doesn’t wine about it.
This post goes severely against the grain. Change it or I call the coppers!
‘Though when she picks up the frying pan I rum for cover.
Perhaps I should call in sick and be absinthe for a while.
Ave does raise a good pint though; if I’m not careful I might barley survive the weekend.
Sounds like THS wants to get Beamed out of here, Bingley.
The farce in ths is TOO STRONG ~ Bingley can NEVER Beefeater!
Bing does work in Manhattan…
(zorg thinks major dad ROCKS!!!)
Oh, I really do lack the humor gene. That took me about four hours to finally get.
(Does best Richard Dawson voice)
Oh, I really do lack the humor gene.
SHEESH! And Bingley even loballed it!
Hey, we love ya’ ‘cos you’re an old fashioned, Skyler!
In the spirit of things, shouldn’t we call him SKYYler?
I was thinking more “Grey Goose”…
Calling the “Ketel” black, eh Bingster?
Sure I’d rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.
She was only the Radio Operator’s daughter,
But she Did it, did it did it!