Armistice Day

That whole “War-To-End-All-Wars” stuff sadly never really seems to work out, does it?


Happy 239th Birthday to My Beloved…


~ Our Gramps

OO-RAH and Semper Fi!

ths update: I thought I’d run the finest commercial EVER made past you all again as well. Brings tears to my eyes EVERY time.

Exactly. How I LOVE my Marine Corps.

Don’t Tell Sis

The excitement might be too much for her.

A Proper Lunch

Bacon, eggs, and coffee


Damn it was yummy…

39 Years Ago The Gales Of November Came Early


I just lurve it when some Show-Boater gets their comeuppance.

It’s Only Taken Six Years

and trillions of dollars in debt and god only knows the damage done by the unconstitutional diktats and social/economic/racial polarizing but at last the Press is finally kinda sorta maybe getting the idea that this White House is full of shit

Thanks for doing your job, guys.

Insta Down?

Oh Noessss!

A Good Night

Now just don’t blow it.

Oh and The One’s presser this afternoon aught to be an exquisite example of petulance.


I really do have to put this up

Yummy yummy!

Updated Update:

Ah, sweet sweet deliciousness from the Guardian

Democrats have suffered a crushing political defeat in the US midterm elections, losing control of the Senate, with their Republican opponents on the verge of securing their largest majority in the House of Representatives since the 1940s.

President Barack Obama’s party awoke on Wednesday to the political equivalent of a pounding hangover; a wave of defeats more numerous and deeper than many Democrats had feared.

Republicans gained at least seven Senate seats from Democrats, cementing the GOP’s power base on Capitol Hill and boosting the party’s standing before the 2016 presidential elections.

On a night of few positives for Democrats, Republicans also outperformed them in most of the 36 governors’ races, clinching stunning victories in Democratic strongholds including Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois.

“This is ugly,” one top Democrat involved in the party’s election strategy told the Guardian in the early hours of Wednesday morning. “It is so much worse than we expected.”

The defeat is a major blow to the president, whose low approval ratings contributed heavily to his party’s electoral drubbing. Obama, an already isolated and unpopular president, must now see out his remaining two years in the White House with his Republican opponents controlling both branches of Congress.

The extent of the rout will also be a cause for concern for Hillary Clinton, the heir-apparent for the Democratic presidential nomination, who, along with her husband, former president Bill Clinton, stumped for several of the party’s Senate candidates who lost badly.

Election Day

Get out and vote.

It matters, we need to get beyond the margin of fraud.

To Learn To Stand You Have To Fall A Few Times

Test Flights are risky.

Does this mean that the FAA should have been more involved in regulating this activity? No. This was a test flight. This is what test flights are for. The desert around Mojave has a decades-long history of smoking holes in the ground and test-pilot funerals, though most of them usually originate from Edwards AFB, a few mile to the south.

RIP as-yet-unnamed pilot, and may your memory be properly honored by more work and further, successful test flights.

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