Good Guy With a Gun
Who also had tremendous presence of mind and marksmanship skills.
God bless him. As well as the other folks carrying, who come up shortly thereafter, providing additional security. No one is wigging out. No one is rushing, everyone is looking to the situation.
Our deepest sympathies to the victim, who merely answered a question before being murdered.
Bad guys will find a way, regardless. Good guys need to be there, ready to answer evil.
They always will be – if they are allowed to.
Merry Christmas
“The Nativity” by Giotto, 1305

– part of the magnificent Scrovegni Chapel frescoes, in Padua, Italy. I had to try to get a shot of Mary’s beautiful face before I left the chapel that night. I have Ebola, and especially his wonderful lady, to thank for that magical experience.
A medieval chapel, at night, with colors that defy description in spite of the gloom, and ethereal figures on every surface. I was the first person of the tour group in, thanks to her. Had it to myself for a few precious moments.
And I kept being drawn back to Mary’s face, looking at her baby boy.
Merry Christmas, my darlings. May you all be healthy, and happy.
God bless you, every one.
UPDATE: Via aelfheld in the comments, and we thank him.
O Holy Night
Peuple à genoux, attends ta délivrance.
Noël, Noël, voici le Rédempteur,
Noël, Noël, voici le Rédempteur!
May the blessings and love of our Lord fill you and yours with hope this Christmas time.
Peace, true Peace from our home to yours, Dear Friends.
If You Actually Read The Report
You see what it really says, as opposed to what Our Betters assuredd us it would say
The Heart of a Lion
“He was so excited about being a pilot,” his mother told me.
The pictures on her phone, one after another, scrolled slowly as she savored them. Held her finger over his face, rubbed his shoulder in the frame. Here he was last weekend, just glowing with happiness, playing with the little ones during a visit. Here he was with his dad – ALL the men in this family are big guys, happy guys. There’s the pictures at his Naval Academy graduation, him and his father, both so proud, with an arm around each other. She has his official Annapolis portrait, too.

“He was shot five times, they told us.” Oh, dear. God.
To hear a mother say that. I had my arm around her, like moms do to other moms – especially service moms, when they are speaking the unspeakable and unthinkable about their babies.
“They said he climbed over the partition and charged the shooter. Went crazy on him. And then still managed to get outside to the first responders. Tell them what he looked like, who was doing the shooting.“
“Oh, ” I said. “Oh, he had the heart of a lion!”
“Oh, yes. He did.“
Joshua would succumb to those bullet wounds shortly thereafter at Baptist Hospital.
I would meet his parents and two brothers the next day, as they tried to find a short order funeral suit for the eldest one. They are lovely people, rightfully proud of their hero, and devastated at his loss.
This couple has raised some awesome young men. Somehow, some way, they are handling this horrific, unfathomable event with such dignity and grace, you sense where the tremendous power of determination to charge an armed terrorist sprang from.
I held Joshua’s mom tight before she left, and told her, “I want you to know, please know, we are ALL with you in this. Every one of us has you all, and your son in our hearts. Thank you for your boy.”
Their magnificent lion of a son.
God bless you, brave boy.
Thank you.