If You Actually Read The Report

You see what it really says, as opposed to what Our Betters assuredd us it would say

7 Responses to “If You Actually Read The Report”

  1. Syd B. says:

    There’s never been shortage of Americans who are willing to believe nonsense and disbelieve demonstrable facts as long as their personal biases are confirmed.

    Just ponder how a third-rate community organizer from the most incestuously corrupt political region in the U.S.; with a record of participation in the most vulgar gathering of Jeremiah Wright posing as a reverend, spouting Fanonian rhetoric and bigotry; with mentors such as the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers; channelling the teachings of Saul Alinsky and Rashid Khalidi of the Chomsky school of self-loathing and sophistry — could advance through the ranks of American politics at an astounding speed, with little or no record of experience in government, to become the 44th president.

    The media did it.

  2. Syd B. says:

    There’s never been shortage of Americans who are willing to believe nonsense and disbelieve demonstrable facts as long as their personal biases are confirmed.

    Just ponder how a third-rate community organizer from the most incestuously corrupt political region in the U.S., with a record of participation in the most vulgar gathering of Jeremiah Wright posing as a reverend, spouting rhetoric and bigotry, with mentors such as the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, channeling the teachings of Saul Alinsky and Rashid Khalidi of the Chomsky school of self-loathing and sophistry — could advance through the ranks of American politics at an astounding speed, with little or no record of experience in government, to become the 44th president.

    The media did it.

  3. aelfheld says:

    Truth seems to be optional in the 21st Century.

  4. Kathy Kinsley says:

    “Truth seems to be optional in the 21st Century.”

    Too true.

  5. Syd B. says:

    For those of us who may not understand legal talk, here’s a simplified breakdown of the Dem’s basis for impeachment.

    Article 1 – We didn’t win in 2016
    Article 2 – We can’t win in 2020

  6. aelfheld says:

    We can’t win in 2020

    From your mouth to God’s ear.

  7. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @Syd B.

    Yep – and I quote aelfheld: From your mouth to God’s ear.

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