“But We Didn’t Think You MEANT It!”
In the continuing saga of “Go woke, go broke,” Democratic Blue New Mexico leaders are shocked – SHOCKED, mind you- to find out old daft Joe wasn’t pulling their finger about fracking.
“…Some New Mexico officials are now trying to defend themselves by saying they didn’t anticipate the new President would issue such a ban, but such protests ring rather hollow given that they most assuredly did understand that Biden plans to move ahead with his fracking ban, which would for all intents and purposes have the same effect….”
“…[T]he reality is that [New Mexico’s Democratic Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham] and her administration can strive to “diversify” the state’s energy portfolio all they want, but the state will still lose hundreds of millions of dollars every year should the Biden administration succeed in shutting down her state’s oil and gas business.
To be clear: Neither the state nor the federal government collects any royalties on solar installations or wind farms. There is no severance tax to be collected from those alternative forms of energy with which to fund the state’s schools or hospitals, or to sustain the free in-state college tuition program Lujan herself established in 2019 thanks to New Mexico’s new Permian/Delaware Basin windfall….”
Paging Capt Renault!

Damn if I don’t feel a derisive snicker coming on.
I suppose that would make it a “snort.”
An Evening for Scotsmen
A happy Robert Burns Night to my fellow Scots (Clan MacEwan, Barony of Otter here), and those who wish they could be!
In a bit of a quandary, as I’d like to celebrate in more than spirit, BUT. I’m nae a Scotch drinker, and, perusing traditional, haggis-free Scottish side dish recipes, I find they’re all just as loathsome and bland as the food was when I spent ten days rambling around the homeland of my ancestors and my own heart.
God help me, I love it all, but they can’t cook for shit.
However YOU celebrate, a wonderful evening to you, and lang may yer lum reek!

“Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thankit.”
Busy Weekend
The Squid Terrorist decided we needed to get going installing the fortress battlements between the houses (also known as: new, IMPROVED, ‘try knocking THIS down, you hurricanes, you‘ fence).

Then major dad worked his magic over an oak fire for a perfect Santa Maria tri-tip Sunday supper.

NOW it can it rain.
A Gathering of Intellectual Titans is Imminent
The signs are everywhere.
I can feel it. I can hear it coming.
Can you?
With slobbering sycophants, who hyperbolize every mundane, done-a-million-times-before, was-even-evil-when-the-previous-administration-did-it occurrence, turning them into fantabulous portents of greatness, wisdom, and light.
God almighty.
It’s fucking fireworks, dude.
Let the HEALING and UNITY Begin
They’ve almost got the camps ready for us YOU (not me, I didn’t do anything…).
It seems to me that we’ve got to be grateful for the naked aggression and vindictive proscriptions planned in these pronouncements, as it belies the burbling bullshit of the past four years, re: accusations of Trump voters (and Trump himself) as NAZIS/racists/dictators/fascists/brown shirts. The only ones ever talking about such actions were these guys. And now the ones seriously contemplating how to stomp their fellow citizens…well, no, wait. They don’t consider them/us/you/me “fellow” anything, do they? Lemme rephrase.
Now, the only ones seriously contemplating how to stomp the heathen occupiers in the wilderness outside the Sacred Circle of Wokeness and Light into submission/proper subjugation to the myriad constituencies comprising the New Order are, yet again, these guys. I’m beginning to think the tortured calls of NAZI/RACIST/FASCIST/BROWNSHIRT/DICTATOR were projection. RIGHT?!
They were just practicing the lingo until they could actually act. Ergo the old truism:
Scratch a Leftie, reveal a Fascist.
As Heather MacDonald just put it…
It’s an odd way to seek national unity: call a significant portion of the American public white supremacists, racists, and nativists. Welcome to the Biden presidency.
Joe Biden’s inaugural speech as 46th president is predictably being hailed for its “unifying” message. And just as predictably, his invocations of the divisive bromides of the identitarian Left are being swept under the rug.
According to Biden, we are a “great nation” and a “good people.” But we also oppress minorities with an ever-rising fervor. “Growing inequity” is among the greatest challenges facing the country, according to Biden, along with the “sting of systemic racism” and encroaching “white supremacy.” Only now are we confronting “a cry for racial justice, some four hundred years in the making.”
GAWD, we ARE awful, aren’t we? Who knew?
I hadn’t realized. Guess I’ll wait for the wait for the “camp” train with you guys. Somebody bring snacks, okay?

Lamentations on the Day
#NotMyPresident and #Resistance are the highest, purest forms of patriotism…or so I have spent the past four years being REPEATEDLY assured.
And drink.

“Timid men…prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.”
~ Thomas Jefferson
Dr. “Rachel” Levine, who condemned everyone ELSE’S mother/father/grandparents, to brutal, LONELY DEATHS in Pennsylvania nursing homes, while “her” mother got YANKED OUT to safety?
Is gonna be your new assistant Health and HUMAN Services Secretary.
Let me offer up a little trip back through COVID Memory Lane. Dr. Levine is a proponent of the “Cuomo Theory of Elderly Care During Pandemics” better known as “Killing Your Grandparents Softly.”
Sen. Doug Mastriano, a first-term Republican representing Franklin, Adams and a part of York counties, said Levine has committed the equivalent of policy malpractice in her handling of the coronavirus pandemic, specifically in her handling of the virus’s spread through nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.
Mastriano specifically targeted Levine for a policy which called for nursing home and long-term care patients who had been hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19 to be returned to their homes when they were ready for release from hospitals. Mastriano said that contributed to major outbreaks in numerous nursing homes around the state.
“Our secretary of health, Dr. Levine, decided that it would be good to allow COVID-positive patients to be returned to elder-care facitlies. And as a result of that, it broke out like fire,” Mastriano said during a rally with constituents at the base of the Capitol steps Monday.
“The very same people our secretary of health said were going to be vulnerable… It unleashed heck upon our dearly beloved fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I think that’s unconscionable, unacceptable, and that secretary needs to be held accountable for that awful decision,” Mastriano said.
The good doctor’s mom? Oh, she got HER the HELL outta HER nursing home, no worries.
Do I CARE if he/she’s the FIRST anything?
Well. Yeah. And demonstrably doesn’t.
Every Move You Make
…Google is watching YOU.
A helpful article from CNET https://www.cnet.com/how-to/google-collects-a-frightening-amount-of-data-about-you-you-can-find-and-delete-it-now/ …
…and some music to read by.
Nothing to worry about.

Words You Won’t Hear In DC Next Week
“With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”