Carnival of NJ Bloggers #33
Happy New Year! This week, I’m honored to host the Carnival, and it has the unique distinction of being both the last of 2005 and the first 0f 2006. It also is the 33rd Carnival, that number of mystery (why is that number on bottles of Rolling Rock?), adventure (I have many stories about driving on Rt. 33 from Hightstown to Freehold at 3am in my single days, dodging deer and State troopers) and romance (see Rolling Rock)!
And the planets have alligned, because the mystical ’33’ is also the number of entries we have this week…
Fractals Of Change offers a unique look at problems with our health care system (though I wouldn’t mind having an employer co-pay option on my bar tab at times).
Philly2Hoboken offers some timely advice on a secret way to get into Hoboken. Now if he could only get me a parking spot…
Surrounded By Women (as am I) describes his plan for a delightful few days reading. But I must ask: are there Frost poems nipping at his nose?
The NJ Blog has a suggestion for THE burning issue facing New Jersey today: what should our new state slogan be?
Mr. Snitch is not happy with the state of the great “slogan search”, either. He offers one for April 15th.
Gigglechick has perhaps the best solutions to this crucial sloganatorial issue that will affect mankind for many generations to come (“Hurry, we’re almost full” gets my vote too, though I would prefer it as “Hurray! We’re almost full”).
Closer to our pocketbook, LaceyRoad looks at school district-size false economies.
Meanwhile, out in that thing called “the world,” Armies of Liberation has a thoughtful article on the status of Yemen, and a vigorous discussion in the comments.
The Wrightwing gets fanatical on, er, fanatics, actually.
“D”igital Breakfast recounts their recent trip to China. Poor S; I had a child do that to me in the back seat of a Toyota on a windy road high in the hills of Haiti many years ago, after said youngster had eaten an onion sandwich. Little tyke needed to learn to chew a bit more…
A little closer to home, Virtual Memories recounts a recent wedding-planning trip to New Orleans (if the rehearsal dinner is at Antoine’s, by gosh I’m going!).
The Contrarian fondly remembers Chubby Checkers and nuns. Ah, nuns. No western gunfighter could stand a chance against the Rulers of Doom wielded by the nuns at Rev George Brown School in Sparta.
Karl’s Corner has the tale of his Christmas Eve. What would you do?
Xpatriated Texan offers his thoughts on the FBI radiation-monitoring story that came out last week.
Enlighten-New Jersey looks at this story from a slightly different angle.
Tammany on the Hudson has an interesting anecdote about Bob Menendez. The more things change…
…the more they resemble Hollywood, I guess, or perhaps it’s the other way ’round. Following on the recent news of that ex-Sopranos actor in jail for shooting a policeman we have The Opinion Mill dropping a dime on another alum doing some time. Geesh.
The Old Fox’s Den offers some advice to the Democratic Party.
Tata at Poor Impulse Control experiences what we all dread: a surprise visit from mom.
The Nightfly piques my interest in the NFL…
Likelihood of Confusion weighs in on the recent kerfluffle between Jews for Jesus and Google.
This Full House has her annual dream of a new house (I’d take one in Virginia or North Carolina, too!)
Speaking of annual events, the end of the year is always ‘Best Of’ season. The Art of Getting By has her list up (and it’s a beauty) along with a plug for Best of Blogs nominations and voting. She’s been busy!
DynamoBuzz gives us an alphabetical review of the Year in Jersey…now why do I want to try and sing the list?
Cripes Suzette, like many of us, will shed no tears for the passing of 2005. Taxi Cab yellow? It’s criminal!
Shamrocketship also won’t shed any tears for 2005, as more than enough were shed during it.
The Rix Mix is no fan of 2005, either, and suggests the event that put the Earth off its axis.
The Eternal Golden Braid recounts what he read this year. One word: wow! Ok, maybe more than one word: I recommend “Crusade” by David Weber and Steve White for his SF list for 2006; one of the best I’ve ever read (I also have to say the “Honor Harrington” series goes downhill after the first 4 books).
The Center of NJ Life finds the true meaning of New Years (and it has nothing to do with people named Marley and chains; that was last week’s story!)
NJ Spoken Word offers us some lovely words of encouragement for the coming year.
And What A Sad Old Goth offers us some sage advice, as well.
What better way to ring in the new with some soup? And who better to supply it than The Joy Of Soup? I can vouch for the Soup Lady’s recipes, friends!
Finally, in this age of Cybersquatting and Cyberlove, I will leave you with this beautiful example of what science calls the CyberSquash™.
Thanks for the chance and privilege of hosting!
Please make sure and visit carnival #34, which will be hosted next week by “D”igital Breakfast.
Have a safe and prosperous New Year!
Update: Maureen at Jersey Writers raises a glass to Judith. Hmm, I think I’d pass if Judith invited me over for a drink…
Happy New Year! Great job!
Hey am I the 33rd comment? Happy New Year and thanks very much for hosting, very very nice.
Darn! I forgot to email my entry.
Happy New Years guys!
Carnival of NJ Bloggers #33 is up!
Hey everybody! The Carnival of NJ Bloggers #33 is up over at the Coalition of the Swilling. There are some great posts for your Sunday morning, or whenever you read it, enjoyment!
Oh, by the way, yours truly wil…
Good health and prosperity to you, Mr Bingley and to us all in 2006.
Sent my name in, but I guess you missed me this time. Have a wonderful new e-year and a great one in real life, too!
(In the old AP Stylebook, a writer was supposed to put “-33-” at the end of any piece. I always wondered about that, too.)
Cheers and raised Carnival glasses to New Jersey!!
A very Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous New Year to everyone!
Happy New Year! Thanks for the Carnival!
I just realized I posted the link to the Carnival yesterday, but forgot to telly you, “Great job!” Well, it is. Happy New Year!
Great job, but my blog is titled “The ContrariAn.” Swap your “o” for an “a” and you’re all set. Your misspelling may lead readers to think that my blog is about the bad guys from some Saturday morning cartoon show.
Has a nice, techno-ring to it, though.
corrected, btw.
Thanks for the correction. God bless!