Some People Have Too Much Time On Their Hands
And I’m not sure if that refers to the folks who made these for us LOTR fans:
or Crusader who found them…
And I’m not sure if that refers to the folks who made these for us LOTR fans:
or Crusader who found them…
Fun | Mr. Bingley | March 3, 2005 9:02 am
The Coalition Of The Swilling is powered by WordPress
Somehow, I Like This Version Better
What can I say….
Some of Boromir’s lesser-known “contributions” to the Fellowship…. <Thanks for the heads-up, Tanya>…
THAT was hilarious!!
LOTR has been Pw3nd!
By way of Mr. Bingley at Coalition of the Swilling, I bring you more gratuitous Tolkien parody (you know I can’t resist this stuff!!) :
Holy cow. My sides hurt.
And Now For Something Completely Different
Good Lord. Pedophilic NAMBLA members, child killers, the Schiavo case.
Boromir Parodies! For Lord of the Rings Fans.
Some enterprising (but very warped and twisted) soul has come up with some Lord of the Rings funny parodies as .gif files. The first two have to do with Boromir, a man with a plan to use a catapult.
What About a Catapult?
First, swallow anything in your mouth, then go look at some great LOTR parodies. (hat tip: The Smallest Minority)…
Bwahahahahahaha! ROTFLMAO!
Thanks to the Smallest Minority, I now have very sore ribs! This is tooooooo funny! –
First two… awesome. Tears. Literally, tears. I have to show my wife.
What about a catapult?
There were, of course, unexplored options for getting the One Ring into Morder.
Bloggy News
Our young friend in Texas Florida Sarahk expects to top 200,000 hits today. 3 months ago today she hit 100,000. As I post this, she is under 500 hits from…
Musings v5.4.1
1. Please don’t ask me why I was googling for an mp3 of the chicken dance song. The important thing is, it led me to a bizarre story about Al Gore. 2. Since I always find myself mentioning this in…
Saturday funnies
You WILL go here and watch the LOTR clips. Hat tip Tanya….
If you like the Lord of the Rings (you’d better!), then look at these, they’re frickin’ hilarious…funniest things ever!
‘what about a catapult?’
If you already recognize this line, you don’t have to go over to “The Coalition of the Swilling” to check out these frame gifs that parody “Lord of the Rings.”