A Worthless Little Survey

Purchasing Power Ranking of Cities
Purchasing power ranking of cities based on the number of minutes of work required to buy a Big Mac, according to a study conducted by Swiss banking giant UBS. The rating was based on the local price of the product divided by the weighted net hourly wage in 14 professions.
Tokyo 10 minutes of work

All the way to

Bogota, Colombia 97

4 Responses to “A Worthless Little Survey”

  1. Nightfly says:

    How much for a cheeseburger in paradise?

  2. John says:

    Fly – Tokyo is paradise. For a sushi lover.
    Interesting – Tokyoites have both a high standard of living and a low demand for McDs, which lowers the price.

  3. The_Real_JeffS says:

    There’s hope for Tokyo yet.

  4. The_Real_JeffS says:

    (Let me try that again:)
    …and a low demand for McDs…
    There’s hope for Tokyo yet.

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