After a Rough Night Out, Paddington Bear Is Sleeping

…with the FISHES. Literally in the tank.

Killer teddy bear behind deaths of 2,500 fish
Stuffed animal was dropped into trout pool, clogged the flow of oxygen
A teddy bear has been implicated in 2,500 deaths. Of trout, that is. State officials say a teddy bear dropped into a pool at a Fish and Game Department hatchery earlier this month clogged a drain. The clog blocked the flow of oxygen to the pool and suffocated the fish.
Hatcheries supervisor Robert Fawcett said the bear — a Paddington Bear dressed in yellow raincoat and hat — is believed to be the first stuffed bear to cause fatalities at the facility.
…He said it’s not known who dropped the bear, but urged anyone whose bear ends up in a hatchery pool to find a worker to remove it. “They might save your teddy bear, and keep it from becoming a killer,” he said.

5 Responses to “After a Rough Night Out, Paddington Bear Is Sleeping”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Does Mr. Bingley own any teddy bears? If so, local fish hatcheries should be on the look out.

  2. Cindermutha says:

    Killer Paddington has me giggling

  3. Only because you’re SAFE

  4. Nightfly says:

    Faster, Paddington! KILL, KILL!

  5. What have they always told you about bares in raincoats…

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