After Much Discussion…

…among the agencies involved (ATFAll Things Feathered and FBIFlorida Birds Inc.), we’ve decide to send in an undercover team.

Looks like the ransom’s been met, eh?

SURPRISE !!! Officer Lotto jumps out to apprehend the villains.

Brilliant in it’s simplicity, n’est pas?
The bait is out ~ the trap is set.

Now we wait.
UPDATE: The bait’s gone!
Where oh where is brave Officer Lotto?

3 Responses to “After Much Discussion…”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    OMG! He hasn’t gone over??????

  2. We’re so concerned here at headquarters. There’s been no word…

  3. The Real JeffS says:

    Perhaps Officer Lotto went undercover to catch the scum!

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