And Our First Muslim Congressman

…falls in line right where you’d expect him to.

Ellison: ‘Stupid video’ induced deadly mayhem in Libya

I am deeply disturbed by the attacks on our diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt. Four Americans have now been killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. My heart goes out to their families. They were brave public servants working tirelessly to improve relations with Egypt, Libya, and the rest of the world. This is a tragic loss.

The amateurish and stupid video that sparked these riots was deeply offensive not only to Muslims but also to anyone who respects the faith of others. It was designed to provoke, and sadly, the provocateurs successfully induced some people to take the bait. Instead of ignoring or peacefully condemning the film, they resorted to violence and mayhem.

Yes, the film’s creators hatefully attacked what so many people hold most dear: their relationship with the Divine. But responding with violence is never justified. And those who think they are doing so in the name of Islam are wrong and ill informed. The abuse of free speech rights, no matter how offensive, does not give license for senseless acts of violence…

Don’t NOBODY say NOTHING about MY MO!

Mewling, miserable, despicable POS.

If you’re in douche-bag’s district, DEAR MERCIFUL CHRIST, vote for Chris Fields instead.

4 Responses to “And Our First Muslim Congressman”

  1. Crusader says:

    Total number of deaths resulting from Piss Christ? Or Last Temptation of Christ? (Ok, boredom deaths don’t count). But these Scumbags get a pass….sigh. Some offences count for more to the libs, I suppose. Silly me.

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Well, he got one thing partly right:

    “But responding with violence is never justified. And those who think they are doing so in the name of Islam are wrong and ill informed. The abuse of free speech rights, no matter how offensive, does not give license for senseless acts of violence…”

    Doubt they’ll listen, though.

    And I said “partly” because sometimes responding with violence IS justified. If the other party starts the fight.

    They need a good, SERIOUS KICK in the butt. Judaism and Christianity (both got somewhat different KICKS, but they got them) learned to live with others peacefully – and they were both, at one time, a bit INSISTENT about ‘surrender or die’. (Examples: Canaanites for the Jews and, Inquisition for Christianity.)

    We should have, in Afghanistan and in Iraq, killed all the Mullahs/Imams/whatever who didn’t like us. But we are too nice. It’s not until they learn that THEIR intolerance will kill them that they’ll stop.

    And with all our “tolerance” – that’s going to be a LONG time coming.

    /end rant

  3. nightfly says:

    I was going to fix it for you by correcting the headline to “Our First Quisling Congressman”… but sadly, we have had dozens of those in Congress for decades, now.

    This whole sequence of events makes me want to choke. I was going to write about it all but I’m so mad all I would do is write a sting of cursing. This guy’s making CARTER look passable.

  4. aelfheld says:

    Islam is a totalitarian political project with a religious gloss. It’s not a respectable faith in any sense of the word.

    Besides, Ellison knows that it wasn’t this film or that cartoon that was behind the attacks but rather the implacable hatred of civilisation embodied in Islam and its adherents.

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