And Since Crusader HAD to Bring Up the Oriskany

…I’m blaming Bush for this one, too…

Oriskany sinking set for May 17

If all goes according to plan, the Oriskany will sink to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico on May 17, and scuba divers could be allowed on the decommissioned aircraft carrier as soon as two days later, local and Navy officials said Wednesday.

…when it doesn’t happen AHgain.
The only thing sinking in the Gulf these days are oxygen levels and tax dollars.

One Response to “And Since Crusader HAD to Bring Up the Oriskany”

  1. Crusader says:

    They may allow folks to dive on it 2-4 days later? That seems surprising, as I would think it would take a little while to settle, and any residual air bubble to flow out. Interesting.

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