As Noted Thespian Keanu Reeves Would Say
…WHOA. The logic in this is just so whacked, even a blonde can’t make any sense of it.
The Liberals say the thinking behind this crime strategy is that if no one is allowed to have a handgun in Canada, policing authorities will be in a better position to act on anyone who has a handgun or attempts to transport or sell a handgun.
Swill Salute: Professor Volokh via The Blogfaddah.
Um, so if something is illegal then that very illegality facilitates the proper authorities in apprehending the perpetrators of said illegal acts?
Unless it’s legal, yes.
But it’s worked out so well with drug laws!
And illegal immigration!
Paul Martin and the Liberal Party put yet another nail in the coffin of Canada. I give the country five more years tops before at least one province secedes, and the first will NOT be Quebec, but Alberta.