Besides Getting Ready for Ebola to Come Home
…(for the first time in TWO YEARS), we are babysitting his dog (while he jaunts about the world), have recently rescued a LARGE (as in FIFTY POUNDS of fangs and fur) Scottie, still taking care of feral cats, trying to integrate the two cats IN the house with the “new” dogs, AND trying to spruce up the house we bought, which we had already rented for 20 years (anyone needs financial advice, we’re available).
Yesterday was what is referred to as “a trial.”
5:30 a.m.: first heart attack of the morning. Feral kittens in the backyard, even after I banged on the window and went out in the cold to see if the coast is clear. Dogs out, all Hell erupts. Thank God the kittens can climb! Charging to the defense, momma was fierce, but no match for a 50lb Scottie. YIKE. She lit out for the front of the house.
Second heart attack: Bob waking up to my screaming “NO!NO!NO!” as I try to wrangle two dogs charging in every direction, Hell bent on eradicating kittens.
Waited for dawn so we could clear the field. WHEW!! No kitten parts scattered about the yard, but there was an odd bird waaayyyy up in the drake elm.
Nooo. I meant WAAAAYYYY up there.
Tiny. Grey. Striped. Kitten.
Who would stay there for the next 5 hours.
Friends are like, “Is the kitten out of the tree yet?”
Me: “Nope.” Just as well, since Ebola’s dog had just snapped at one of the electricians, so guess who was banished back outside.
Couple hours later, the fellas leave, and we can bring the nutjob canines back in. AND admire our beautiful new vanity and closet lights, plus lighted fan in our ancient master bath. (And then realize sometimes more light isn’t a good thing…I got work to do.)
Kitten stayed immobile 30 or so foot above ground for at least another couple hours. Came home from our errands and the tree was clear.
What showed up out front was a tired, hungry little thang. major dad sighed, got out the Friskies can, and ladled out the breakfast he/she/it missed.
Everyone went out on LEASHES in this morning’s darkness.
What would life be without a little excitement now and then …. …. ?
I wouldn’t know, lol! It’s all excitement. I’m willing to find out…