Category: Politics
Democrats Have Had a Hard Day
Not ONLY do they not have ANY results from their Iowa caucus cluster (nor WILL they until maybe tomorrow morning), but word has broken about the 2020 Host Committee.
“Who’s that?” you ask.
They’re the way-up-the-food-chain Democrats in charge of raising the $70+ million it’s going to cost to stage the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, and get ALL those volunteers together to get the thing running. THAT’S who. Money. People. Power.
And they just can’t seem to get along. At ALL…
The two top officials overseeing Milwaukee’s host committee for the 2020 Democratic National Convention were sidelined Monday amid allegations of a toxic work culture.
In a letter to staff obtained by the Journal Sentinel, the board said it had retained an attorney to investigate “concerns about the work environment” for the Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee.
During the investigation, Liz Gilbert, president of the host committee, will not be in the office and “will not have direct contact with staff,” the letter says. Adam Alonso, the chief of staff for the group, has been placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the probe.
Both will be paid as the investigation moves forward. The letter gives no timeline when Carmen N. Decot, a partner with Foley & Lardner, will finish her probe.
The abrupt move comes less than six months before the start of the Democratic National Convention. The host committee — the civic, nonpartisan arm of the convention — is responsible for raising $70 million to stage the July event at Fiserv Forum and recruit some 15,000 volunteers.
Six months to show time, huh? And the bosses aren’t allowed contact with the staff?
Ever notice how it’s always the ones who lecture and point fingers about mistreatment and “respect” who wind up getting nailed for mistreatment and complete lack of respect? It always is.
It’s also always those same types who are feathering their nests at the expense of whatever public service they are supposed to be providing.
…In interviews with the Journal Sentinel over the weekend, two experienced political hands who have worked with the host committee described it as having a toxic culture rife with power struggles, backbiting and mismanagement.
They accused the top two officials, Gilbert and Alonso, of giving contracts to their friends in New Jersey, calling meetings and then failing to attend them and being more focused on accumulating power than promoting Milwaukee.
A New Jersey firm with strong ties to the New Jersey Democratic Party, for instance, developed the website for the host committee and manages its email platform. Both Gilbert and Alonso are top-ranking Democratic operatives in that state.
These assertions come at the same time that Alonso is being accused in his home state of New Jersey of shaking down campaign contributors for his personal consulting business.
Somebody from New Jersey accused of a shakedown?
Knock me over with a feather.
Iowa Democratic Party Doing “Quality Control”
…translates to:
HOLY SHIT, that asshole WON?! Hold the phone, we’re COOKIN’ THE BOOKS!”
You KNOW it does.
AY YI YI. No results until Wednesday morning at the earliest, AND Bernie’s camp just released THIS:
According to their internal figures for 40% of polling stations, Joe Biden was getting his clocked cleaned. Now, this is hardly a snapshot of the rest of the state, but it does cause one to rub one’s chin and “Hmmm….” As for Bernie, dropping this bomb after all the other candidates’ premature victory speeches, and on top of the total disaster that is the Iowa Caucuses is a declaration.
“We Screw the GOOD Guys” Democratic Campaign Slogan
Something happened with an engaged voter and Elizabeth Fauxcahontus Warren today that really got me thinking. Watch this exchange. You may well recognize yourself yelling at the TV in this fellow’s earnest arguments:
As I said in the tweet, she has NO ANSWER for the man. She is completely flustered – speechless at what is a logical and heartfelt series of questions, with examples within his experience to bolster his argument. There is absolutely nothing about his demeanor that’s frightening nor threatening (he maintains a respectful distance as well), but he is most assertive making his final point:
“We did the right thing, and we get screwed.“
Warren flutters her hands, and he stalks off in disgust. (Probably how you march out to the kitchen or change the channel.) And, yeah. That’s how the plan works.
And it got me thinking, “Wait a dang minute. That’s how ALL of the Democratic plans work, every last candidate, every last plan, about every last thing they opine on. The folks doing the right thing get screwed.“
It’s should be the new Democratic Party’s national campaign slogan.
Remember your healthcare? That stuff you used to pay a pricey bit for, that Democrats “fixed” in the dead of night with a stealth maneuver? What are you PAYING now, “paying” being the operative word, because All THESE Democrats want to screw the lot of you PAYING/doing the right thing customers…
“All these,” of course, means every last swinging you-know-what one of them. That’s in addition to the terrific Medicare for All proposals that will sink everyone.
I’m sure we are in complete agreement that the butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-their-mouths protestations of “We don’t want your guns!” is horse poopy of the highest order. From Beto, to Eric Fartswell, to Colorado Democrats, to Gov Coonman and his merry bunch of Virginia bandits – they are ALL COMING FOR YOUR GUNS.

Your legal guns, from you, America’s hundreds of MILLIONS of law abiding, gun owning, non-mass murdering citizens. Democrats are happily screwing the “doing the right thing” crowd.
And they are making no bones about it.
Everything is “hate speech,” “misogynist,” or “racist” if you disagree. Easy to shut down legitimate dissension when you resort to shrieking, insult, and innuendo. Go after someone’s job or kids if you have to get them to shut-up. SCREW THAT GUY!! Even if it’s the wrong guy.
What kind of disgusting patriarchal ass complains when a crazy homeless person takes a dump in the aisle of his family store, or pees on the sidewalk in front of the five year old waiting for the bus? YOU DIDN’T PAY FOR THAT SIDEWALK!! DON’T YOU CARE ABOUT THE MENTALLY CHALLENGED?!?!
What’s a little Black Plague between friends?
SCREW YOU, taxpayer.
Remember when you voted and, if the guy you liked got enough votes, and took enough states for the Electoral College to tip his way, the idea was that that person WON? Remember? Good times, good times.
Not that Democrats aren’t padding the system as best they can.
As of March 30, 2018, in California, about 1,001,000 immigrants have obtained driver’s licenses. I’m sure NONE of them vote, right? None of the new New York state illegal driving public will vote, either. winkwinknodnodsaynomoresaynomore Vote by mail is big in red states. Wonder why. I’ll bet every single one of those is legit as legit can be.
But it’s not enough for Democrats, coming in sideways to take the ballot box. Oh, hell, no.
Adam Schiff declared yesterday that he is coming for your election.
Yurp. Everything you’ve done right, from be 18 years old, and hold a valid ID as a law abiding citizen of this country, that goggle eyed bastard says counts for naught. Because ORANGE MAN BAD.
That such a sentiment could even be spoken by a member of either party of Congress, less mind in what is supposed to be the highest, most serious undertaking of those formerly august bodies is the symbol of how deranged they all are, how little the Constitution means to any of them, and how little the rights of their fellow Americans count when standing in the way of their power grab.
The Democrats are ALL running on screwing you out of your money, your right to speak your mind, your guns, and your freedom. There is not a single facet of American, truly AMERICAN life, that isn’t under siege right now, and they are boldly going forth with their claws out to snatch away what they can. They only thing standing between freedom as we know it and the domination of a tyrannical, unstable ideology is our raised voices, those guns, and those precious votes.
Screw them.
In Presidential Contention News: Fauxcahontus
…has seemingly self eliminated, no?
Survey says: YES.
Lemme count the ways…
The Claws Are Starting to Come Out
…but it will never be a frontal attack with these people.
And it begs the question whether the Sanders folks were just slow off the mark getting the shivs ready, and Fauxcahontas beat them to a leak.
If You Actually Read The Report
You see what it really says, as opposed to what Our Betters assuredd us it would say
Oh Joe Joe Joe
Not sure this was *quite* the phrase you wanted
“No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger, other than self-defense and that rarely ever occurs,” he said. “So we have to just change the culture. Period.”
Then he maybe took it too far, adding, “And keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at it,” making matching punching motions with his fist.
This This This this
The big takeaway from Impeachment Theater is that American voters have influence over a much smaller portion of the federal government than they believed. Washington is a feudal bureaucratic empire with a small suggestion box.
Last week American voters were introduced to the idea that the elected President of the United States can be accused of “undermining” foreign policy determined by the permanent bureaucracy, which spends billions of our tax dollars but is not even slightly interested in our input.
Read all of it.
It is 100% correct.
When the Bag Fights Back
I’m figuring he forgot the “don’t eat food on camera/fuck with a speed bag” rule for doddering old man candidates.
Dammit. Forgot.
– Bernie Sanders probably
Thought so.
This Is Beyond Pathetic
C-Ville will no longer celebrate Mr. Jefferson’s birthday.
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Charlottesville, Virginia, will no longer celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s birthday as an official city holiday and instead will observe a day recognizing the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans.
The city council voted Monday night to scrap the decades-old April 13 holiday honoring the slave-holding president and Founding Father. Charlottesville will now mark Liberation and Freedom Day on March 3, the day U.S. Army forces arrived in the city in 1865.
I’m really, really getting tired of this shit.
Filed Under: Don’t Change a Thing, Kids
In this week’s Democratic debates, it wasn’t just individual candidates who presented themselves to the public. It was also the party itself. What conclusions should ordinary people draw about what Democrats stand for, other than a thunderous repudiation of Donald Trump, and how they see America, other than as a land of unscrupulous profiteers and hapless victims?
Here’s what: a party that makes too many Americans feel like strangers in their own country. A party that puts more of its faith, and invests most of its efforts, in them instead of us.
They speak Spanish. We don’t. They are not U.S. citizens or legal residents. We are. They broke the rules to get into this country. We didn’t. They pay few or no taxes. We already pay most of those taxes. They willingly got themselves into debt. We’re asked to write it off. They don’t pay the premiums for private health insurance. We’re supposed to give up ours in exchange for some V.A.-type nightmare. They didn’t start enterprises that create employment and drive innovation. We’re expected to join the candidates in demonizing the job-creators, breaking up their businesses and taxing them to the hilt.
Sub-titled: No shit, Sherlock.
Oh Hell YES
Gibson was decided…for the Gibsons
“The Jury in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case has reached a verdict.
According to our reporter in the Courtroom, the jury awarded $11 million. Here are the details: Allyn W. Gibson was awarded $3 million, David Gibson $5.8 million, Gibson Bros. $2,274,500. Next Tuesday there will be a separate punitive damages which could be a double award (meaning tripling the $11 million to $33 million).”
This is fantastic news.
Smug Causes Smog
Well lookee here
Electric vehicles in Germany account for more CO2 emissions than diesel ones, according to a study by German scientists.
When CO2 emissions linked to the production of batteries and the German energy mix – in which coal still plays an important role – are taken into consideration, electric vehicles emit 11% to 28% more than their diesel counterparts, according to the study, presented on Wednesday at the Ifo Institute in Munich.
Let’s Play “Guess That Party”!
Flint mayor diverted water-crisis money to political PAC, suit says
Since, like:
a) if she was Republican, it’d be in the headline
b) you have to go through 10 paragraphs before being indirectly led to assume she’s a Democrat
c) Flint hasn’t had a Republican mayor since the mid- 70’s from what I can find
UPDATE: Well….huh. Knock me over with a feather.
I dare you to not bop your head to this.
— The Faction (@TheFaction1776) March 22, 2019