Currently in my glass 2

Bowmore’s 12 year old Islay
(sorry, I didn’t get a chance to take a picture of it last night)
If you want to find out what Islay is about, this may be a good place to start. A full bodied, peaty whisky that has a nice sweet character. While the peat is strong the sweetness keeps it from being overpowering.

2 Responses to “Currently in my glass 2”

  1. peteb says:

    Yup.. ‘peaty’ would cover the Islay malts that I’ve sampled.. *hic* I was always partial to Laphroaig myself.
    “The peat is strong in this one..”
    *I’ll get me coat*

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    no doubt Laphoaig is king, peatb, er, peteb, i mean.
    i’m working my way through the bingley boozebin, and i’m saving it for the last of my islays.

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