Damn! Maybe I Should Drop a Few Pounds

…and hit the streets! (Or, at the very least, publishers’ offices.)

BLOGGER-turned-author Jessica Cutler pulled out of next Monday’s Mediabistro panel on how bloggers can land book deals. Her “blowoff” prompted Mediabistro to remind readers that Cutler is “someone known for exchanging sex for money.”

I didn’t realize there was a way to make this a paying gig. I’ve always thought Wonkette and the rest were just lucky.
Naïveté, thy name is Sister.

2 Responses to “Damn! Maybe I Should Drop a Few Pounds”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    So, is Mediabistro saying that she had sex with them so she didn’t have to appear on the panel?

  2. She has to pay for it? How ugly is she?

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