Dear Mr. President: SUCH a Frickin Phoney Fat Filled Baloney Should Just Go Peas Up a Rope

Even though it gave us LOTS of chances to be clever (via Instapundit), like the New York Post’s:

Bam: give peas a chance

…even THAT little bit of Obambi nannyism wasn’t original. Not even CLOSE. Our good friend spot_the_dog pointed out to me this morning that Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s administration is already known as the Eat Your Peas Government”, thanks, in no small part, to her infamous utterance last month:

…Yesterday she insisted the carbon tax was the right thing to do.

It’s the equivalent of saying ‘eat your vegetables‘, I suppose,” she told Sydney radio

Oddly enough, no one in Australia appreciates the sentiment either.

I’m assuming they’re absurd halfwitted racists in 24% flyover country as well.

One Response to “Dear Mr. President: SUCH a Frickin Phoney Fat Filled Baloney Should Just Go Peas Up a Rope”

  1. nightfly says:

    Something about that picture always bothers me… and not just because the lovely Julie Andrews has been mutated. It’s more that Mary Poppins was very big on personal responsibility, the freedom of dreams, and Not Being Meddled With by Pinheaded Authority.

    I submit to you that Teh O would best fit in at Dawes, Scrubb, Mousley, Grubbs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank. I mean, don’t YOU want to tell him to go fly a kite?

    (I think I’ve got the name right. Been a while.)

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