Flying the Friendly Skies Circa 2005
Ebola is on his very own, first, self-bought-and-paid-for jaunt. He had a lovely flight into Et-lanta from Bangla-cola, but the leg from Et-lanta to Salt Lake City was educational. His in-flight meal?
A granola bar.
Man, is he cranky.
Isn’t that a hoot?!! He’s incensed.
And starving.
And I don’t imgine he’ll find too many bars in Salt Lake City to drown his anger!
He’s staying in Park City. That’s a big ski town and those tourista-type people tend to drink.
One of the many reasons I refuse to fly. I don’t care how long it takes to get somewhere via ground. I am the sort of person who prefers the trip to the destination anyway.
Ha ha!! Try American Airlines, Ebola. They offer food for sale during their flights. $3 gets you chips, salsa, cookies. At least the drinks are still “complimentary”. I always put snacks in my carry on. Live and learn, as Grandpappy always used to say.
What do I hate about flying? I’m sitting at Sea-Tac, waiting for Horizontal Airlines to fix an airplane, so that we fly home without hitting the Cascades, or possibly going towards Hawaii in a commuter aircraft.
At least the temps aren’t 90 freaking degrees, with a decent humidity. God, that open door behind me feels GOOD. I even had a beer last night. Ahhhhh!!! The German Club at Fort Bliss has good beer, nice food, and fine frauleins. Actually, they are generally fraus, but I was there only to drink.
What? Who, me? Venting? Why would you think that? I’m demobilized, I am. I have the papers to prove it. But let’s not talk about demobilizing — I hate bureaucracies more than I hate airplane travel.
UPDATE: Announcement, they just extended the departure AGAIN, by an hour. Excuse me, I have to claim a voucher for snacks and such. 🙁
On sober reflection, having left Kuwait last Sunday, things ain’t all that bad. Ludicrous, mayhaps, but not all that bad. Happiness is relative, after all.
Oh, HELL yeah they could be worse, you whiney baby! You could still be in INDIANAPOLIS…
I’m completely with you on the ground side, ANdrea. Ask any of the family members present about my aversion to air travel. I’m quite famous for it, all courtesy of the wonderful cut-rate contractors the DOD hooks up to fly our military hither and yon.
Yeah, I could be in Indianapolis, so happiness is indeed relative. But the airline brought in a new aircraft. Well, not NEW new, but it worked well enough to get me home, so that I can cruise down to the local WiFi hotspots to drink coffee and do e-mails and blogs before running errands and seeing friends (no INTERNET at the house just yet). Got a lot of leaves blowing around, but very few in my yard, heh heh heh!!!