Getting Ready to Go Help Set Up for the Dinner major dad and I Are Attending Tonight

Suddenly looks to be..well attended.
At least outside. (Should we wear raincoats? Paging Althouse!)

Protesters awaiting Scott visit
Union groups oppose governor’s budget

When Gov. Rick Scott visits Pensacola today to speak at a sold-out Republican dinner event, he may meet some folks who aren’t so pleased to see him.

Sure glad the paper could help with our event planning…

Governor’s visit
Gov. Rick Scott will be in Pensacola today. At 4:30 p.m., he will attend a ribbon cutting for the Naval Federal Credit Union.

He will arrive at 6:30 p.m. for the Escambia County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner, where he is the featured speaker at 7 p.m. The event is at New World Landing, 600 S. Palafox St., downtown Pensacola.

Pensacola Fight Back Florida will rally today from 4:30 to 9 p.m. The group will meet at 4:30 p.m. at

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Plaza at Palafox and Garden streets in downtown Pensacola.

At 5 p.m., the group will march with signs to New World Landing in advance of Scott’s arrival.

Fight Back Florida
At least 13 local labor unions and political groups are members of Fight Back Florida and will participate in Friday’s rally.
• American Civil Liberties Union-Escambia

• UWF Chapter of College Democrats of America

• Escambia County Education Association

• International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Local Union 676

• International Association of Machinists-Local Lodge 2777

• UWF chapter of Progressive Student Alliance

• Santa Rosa Education Association

• Northwest Florida Central Labor Council

• Union of Escambia Education Staff Professionals

• Movement for Change

• Veterans for Peace, Northwest Florida, Chapter 135

• Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee

• Santa Rosa County Democrats


6 Responses to “Getting Ready to Go Help Set Up for the Dinner major dad and I Are Attending Tonight”

  1. JeffS says:

    I see that the Escambia education “professionals” are well represented. No doubt their attendance is based on their concern for the children they are responsible for “educating”.

  2. Dr Alice says:

    I’d suggest telling your fellow attendees to drop their subscriptions to the paper and stop buying the products of any company that buys advertising. That really fries me. Good luck.

  3. nightfly says:

    If I weren’t such a believer in the new civility, I’d think this was a target-rich environment.

  4. mojo says:

    Checked the Claymore lines?

  5. Dave E. says:

    That’s not a news story, that’s a big wet kiss.

  6. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Target-rich, indeed.
    “Pryor has been heavily involved in the local labor movement since 2005. He began organizing demonstrations in 2008 for the Progressive Student Alliance, a nonpartisan student organization active in issues involving social injustices, labor rights, gender equality, gay rights, and environmental justice.”

    Barf. – And I agree with Dave E. on the news story.

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