Happy Birthday Crusader!!!!!!

13 Responses to “Happy Birthday Crusader!!!!!!”

  1. Happy Birthday to the BEST Little PUKE in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!

  2. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Does Crusader have two legs, or four? Or just an affection for cats?
    Happy Birthday!!!!!

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    The management thanks you for avoiding the ‘p’ word, JeffS.

  4. The_Real_JeffS says:

    I assumed Crusader had an affection for that, Mr. Bingley. ;-P


  6. That 1 Guy says:

    The Real Jeff beat me to it…
    Happy Birthday, Crusader.

  7. Nightfly says:

    Happy birthday, Crusader! Wherever you are, I hope that cats are no longer attacking you.

  8. Cullen says:

    Happy birthday, Crusader!

  9. Rob says:

    Happy, Happy, Crusader.

  10. Kcruella says:

    Happy Birthday!

  11. WunderKraut says:

    Why are animals always mauling the poor boy? Just asking.

  12. Crusader says:

    Cats are the only pets worth owning.
    Thanks all!

  13. Crusader says:

    Why are animals always mauling the poor boy? Just asking.


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