Hello Hamas, Goodbye Fatah
The RoPs are shooting
Captives in Gaza
“We are telling our people that the past era has ended and will not return, ” Islam Shahawan, a spokesman for Hamas’ militia, told Hamas radio. “The era of justice and Islamic rule have arrived.”
And “justice and Islamic rule” means
Hamas fighters overran one of the rival Fatah movement’s most important security installations in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, and witnesses said the victors dragged vanquished gunmen from the building and killed them in the street.
…A witness, Jihad Abu Ayad, said the men were being killed in front of their wives and children.
“They are executing them one by one,” Abu Ayad said. “They are carrying one of them on their shoulders, putting him on a sand dune, turning him around and shooting.”
Nice. But it’s all the Jooo’s fault, remember.
And Chimpy’s, natch.