Here Nessie Nessie Nessie…

Loch Ness is stunningly beautiful.
And the visitor’s center at Urquhart Castle is the best I’ve ever seen.

8 Responses to “Here Nessie Nessie Nessie…”

  1. Cindermutha says:

    That’s gorgeous! I see a little dot… could it be Nessie?

  2. What lush grass:-)

  3. Tainted Bill says:

    I also see the dot, alert C. Montgomery Burns!

  4. The list of Scots who have become wealthy through the wallets of gullible Yanks grows longer every day!
    The grass is fertilised with the bullshit gathered from the Castle sewage works!

  5. The grass is so green because it is fertilised with the pure bullshit gathered from the Visitor Centre!
    The list of Scots who have grown wealthy on the wallets of gullible Yanks grows longer every day!

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    Aw, c’mon, Mike! We’re all descended from Scottish kings! Every last one of us!

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