Herr Summers Declares ‘Doitch Day’ at Die Schwillink

Sounds fun to us and how lovely to drag you all down to our level! As we routinely break into weird TOWACA patter of languages real and imagined, I thought I would suggest the favorite of my resources for German days.

Simply a wonderful language supplement, even for der alter Lustmolch*, like Herr Summers. Get one and eins, zwei, g’suffa!

From an Amazon Review:

Until I read this book, I thought I knew every nasty thing you could possibly say in German. I was quickly proven wrong. This is a great reference for dirty words and insults you can’t find in even some medium-sized German-English dictionaries. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of pronunciations and other mechanics of the German language, so I’d recommend it to someone with at least a year of formal instruction under his/her belt. Other than that, watch what you say and to whom you say it; your Oma would turn green at the mere mention of some of these words, but the boys in the Biergarten probably wouldn’t mind too much. (However, there is an adequate effort made at pointing out some of the worst words and phrases.) The illustrations put the book over the top; they’re relevant to the chapter in question, in a somewhat literal and very amusing way. A great read, and the best money you’ll ever spend in learning German!

*Okay, okay; ‘lusty old salamander’.

5 Responses to “Herr Summers Declares ‘Doitch Day’ at Die Schwillink”

  1. Wunderkraut says:

    I’ve said it before, but I will say it again:

  2. Ken Summers says:

    “Lusty old salamander”?
    I rather like that…

  3. (I wunder what makes him so cranky and…sauer?)
    HAH! I thought you would, you lounge lizard you.

  4. Ken Summers says:

    Lounge Lizards? Yeah!
    As a matter of fact, I do happen to be from the “Shallow End of the Gene Pool”.

  5. An guy I dated in college was quite delighted to teach me some of those German cuss words. If I had been smart, I would have cussed back in Gaelic. As it was, though,the hormones wiped out any rational thought on my part.
    Oh, well. I got the last laugh anyway LOL!!

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