Hilary Rosen Can Either Kiss My Ass or Clean the Smudgies From Her Rose Colored Glasses, But Mostly KISS MY ASS

Which is as polite as I can possibly keep it after she steps in it again:

Hillary Rosen: Being Out of a Job Is a Good Thing

Hilary Rosen, the Obama strategist who infamously disparaged Ann Romney back in April, saying Romney never worked a day on her life, had a quite different take on the new unemployment numbers for August, which showed that the labor participation in the United States was at a 31 year low.

Rosen tweeted:

Entrepreneurs and self employed leave the “work force”. That is a hopeful thing. People leaving aren’t necessarily bad.


ths Sunday Talk Show update: Oh, wait! Another Obama rocket scientist has the rest of the explanation!

No wonder we’re in such great shape.

2 Responses to “Hilary Rosen Can Either Kiss My Ass or Clean the Smudgies From Her Rose Colored Glasses, But Mostly KISS MY ASS”

  1. JeffS says:

    She must be hoping Obama loses the election. How else to explain this weapons grade level of stupid?

  2. Greg Newsom says:

    Self-employed in today’s economy?That means they sell drugs,are on government assistance or being paid ‘under the table’on a cash basis,which tens millions now are.
    But,they have no benefits and pay no taxes.But,they
    They have children ,which are on the government dole.10 thousand per child,at least.And millions more for
    one kidney failure,millions and billions.

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