Holy Sh*t! Does This Mean I Have to Dump
…my Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator?!?!?
A Lakeland man has been arrested after authorities say he had a fake rocket launcher and a fake rocket projectile among his weapons arsenal.
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says Hiram Angus Melvin was charged Wednesday with possession of…a hoax weapon of mass destruction…
That’s a whole new felony category to me, but my plastic Pu-36?
Outta my cold, dead fingers, guys…
I could see if maybe he was threatening or something with it. But a “hoax weapon of mass destruction”? Since when is a rocket launcher a WMD? Jesus, even having one in Grand Theft Auto 4 doesn’t give you WMD status, and that’s a fucking game. I can do more area damage with a truck than the average RPG round is going to do. What a crock of shit. Fucking pinko communists.
I think our government might just be completely mentally retarded.
Ebola, he wasn’t arrested by the feds, so your federal definition is irrelevant. Of course, the story is wrong when they say he was charged with this: law enforcement doesn’t formally “charge” people with anything, but rather it’ll be up to the State Attorney’s to decide whether to file charges. I suspect my counterparts up there will file something, but not what he was arrested for.
Section 790.166 of the Florida Statutes provides, in pertinent part:
I don’t think it meets this definition either.