How Do You Spell “Boot Licking, Ball-less, Chicken Shit Sychophants”?

Why, it’s spelled New York Times, of course.

The New York Times Quietly Softened Its Scathing Obama Editorial

When the Paper of Record published a blistering editorial on President Obama’s overbearing national security precautions today, one line stood out from the dozens of others as being the most vicious:

The administration has now lost all credibility.

…The sentence now reads, “The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue,” which is quite a different statement altogether.

No mention of the corrective action appending the editorial, either. Just magic wand action.

Momentary flash of honest brilliance squelched ~ snubbed and snuffed out like a smudgey candle.

Whacha wanna bet “Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.”?

2 Responses to “How Do You Spell “Boot Licking, Ball-less, Chicken Shit Sychophants”?”

  1. JeffS says:

    I did wonder how long this bout of moral courage would last.

    Not long. Not long at all.

  2. […] How Do You Spell “Boot Licking, B***-less, Chicken S*** Sychophants”? […]

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