discover your jack-o-lantern face @ quiz me

Because this d*ckhead MT can’t remember what I wrote and saved from one fast forward to the next…and because the first question doesn’t include an answer that contains “lives for this 24/7 and dances naked in the moonlight with dead chickens at the first frost, she’s so freakin’ happy”…although one is gratified to see the “Alien” included in a roster of Hollywood’s greatest scary guys…even though, according to my calculations, angry pumpkins are only 7% of the people infantile enough to take this quiz…so thank you, peteb, for yet another miniscule, quantifying factor of my life…but I’m not bitter. Why? Because it’s the

MOST wonderful time of the year!!!

10 Responses to “I Am ANGRY

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    Mine is “Happy”, you old grump.

  2. Cindermutha says:

    I’m Grumpy… that’s fine because I really am grumpy. I’m still sick and its almost Halloween

  3. Dave J says:

    Mine is “Insane.” And I’m cool with that.

  4. The_Real_JeffS says:

    “Insane”. Excellent!

  5. peteb says:

    No. Thank You, ths!!
    But then my Jack O’Lantern face is Insane too.
    Although.. that might have been the result of the Cookie Monster answer..

  6. Happy Halloween!

    Oh, oh, so I’m grumpy? Screw you! Oh, um. Okay.

  7. Mr. Bingley says:

    No, I said cookie monster too.

  8. peteb says:

    Ah well.. there goes that theory..

  9. kcruella says:

    There is a defect, I got grumpy and I am a ray of freaking sunshine.

  10. Well, yes! Yes you are. Ask any of your co-workers!